[rsbac] missing syscall on space

Jens Kasten jens.kasten at kasten-edv.de
Sun Feb 18 16:10:49 CET 2018

Hi list

I got on latest linux-4.14.y this:

cat /proc/rsbac-info/active
Version: 1.5.2, API min: 1.4.0, API max: 1.5.0
Softmode: available
Ind-Soft: available
Switching off: available for FF AUTH CAP JAIL RES
Switching on: available for FF AUTH CAP JAIL RES MPROTECT
Module: FF   on
Module: AUTH on
Module: CAP  on
Module: JAIL on
Module: RES  on
Module: MPROTECT on

but rsbac_version
Error: Function not implemented
Tools:  1.5.1, API: 1.4.10
Kernel: 0.0.0, API min: 1.4.0, API max: 1.5.0

The syscall on userspace is somehow missing on arm.


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