[rsbac] dynamic created devices

Murf murf at post.cz
Tue Mar 29 11:21:43 CEST 2005

Amon Ott wrote:
>>1) manage the subject (in following named s_cre), which theese 
> devices create to create 
>>it with special rc dev type. But Its not possible in rsbac (there is 
> only default rc fd type creation). 
>>If its possible there is also some other problems, like that s_cre 
> is in most probability 
>>run under root. So it would have to be default dev created type for 
> user root role.
>>(e.g. udevd process in userland for 2.6.11 kernels)
> We could introduce a def_dev_create_type for roles. The user root does 
> not matter, it is the current process role. I would have to look into 
> this to see how exactly the new devices get created - the special 
> file has no meaning in RSBAC, it is the type-major-minor combo.

Yes, def_dev_create_type is what i meant. I haven't checked what process
is it (udevd?). This sounds clear in context of model philosophy.

> The to-do list contains an item "Let process choose RC type of new 
> item". We could use this and make the daemon choose, but I do not 
> like that idea.
> Amon.

It means modify of userland aps. I think that this isn't what
we would like.



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