[rsbac] Re: How to upgrade

Thomas Mueller news-exp-jul05 at tmueller.com
Fri Mar 4 16:20:59 CET 2005


>> I know the document http://rsbac.org/documentation/upgrading.php but
>> what about rsbac-admin ?
>> Can I boot a kernel with v1.2.4 and admin tools v1.2.3?
>> If I keep the old admin tools I can reboot my old 1.2.3 quickly if there
>> is a problem with the new one.
> AFAIK you have to use admin-tools with the same release number
> as the patch to te kernel.

The 'Installation and Administration Instructions' say that I don't need
any admin-tools to boot? Is this only true for the first boot?

The Kernel -> Kernel Configuration and Compilation:
With RSBAC versions before 1.0.9b, you must install the administration
tools before reboot, specially the useraci file in it should go into
/rsbac (see below), otherwise your system will not come up!

Administration Tools -> Installation:
The administration tools in the rsbac-admin-*.tar.gz file can be
extracted into any directory, e.g. /root/rsbac, by typing tar xvzf

So if rsbac-admin can be located anywhere it can't be found and can't be

>> Is there a way to see the patch level of:
>> ftp://rsbac.mprivacy-update.de/rsbac/rsbacfixed/linux-2.6.10-rsbac-v1.2.4-pax-20050301.tar.bz2
>> There is no date on http://rsbac.org/download/bugfixes/index.php#v1.2.4
>> so it's hard to guess if the fixes have been applied (but I guess, your
>> announcement was on 050223).
> If I understand you correctly you can find that information in *BUGFIXES
> file
> e.g.
> ftp://rsbac.mprivacy-update.de/rsbac/rsbacfixed/linux-2.6.10-rsbac-v1.2.4-pax-20050301.BUGFIXES

Yes that's it, thanks. The first line and I didn't see it ...


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